Celebrating our recognition as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Edge Delivery Services 2024, Fastly remains dedicated to empowering developers with cutting-edge solutions.
We’re excited to announce free developer accounts. You can instantly get started and take advantage of the most developer-friendly edge platform in the world.
We care deeply about all things open source and standards, and we’re excited to see how the Fediverse grows in the coming months. Today, we're explaining how it works and how we support it.
We're thrilled to join forces with Fanout. The integration of Fanout technology into our network will help enable real-time app development at the edge with improved time-to-market, reduced…
Our new partnership lets you deploy Glitch apps to Compute@Edge, making it even easier to build high-quality, customized digital experiences on our edge cloud platform.
In this video from Web Summit 2021, we discuss how you build and ensure your company culture when you have some team members in person and some at home.
A modern CDN can help improve SEO rankings, make it easier to deliver personalized content, and secure your sites and apps — three keys to a startup’s success.
Working together, Epsagon and Adobe’s Project Helix team built a very cool integration that uses clever parsing of Fastly VCL to generate tracing statements showing what variables have been…
You monitor distributed systems and log data, but what good does it do if you can't observe an actual problem when there is an issue? The reality is, you're drowning in log data and…
To create effective logs, you first need to consider what you’re trying to achieve in capturing and maintaining logs. If you don't begin with a clear business goal and proactively plan your…