Celebrating our recognition as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Edge Delivery Services 2024, Fastly remains dedicated to empowering developers with cutting-edge solutions.
Discover how migrating to an advanced Edge Cloud platform can enhance performance, security, and innovation while reducing latency and costs for your organization.
Get real-time content control, boost performance, and develop modern applications, all faster at the edge. See how Fastly stacks up against Cloudflare.
Forget the hype; where is AI delivering real value? Let's use edge computing to harness the power of AI and make smarter user experiences that are also fast, safe and reliable.
Wondering what edge computing is all about? It's a distributed computing framework that brings applications closer to data sources like IoT devices or local edge servers.
We’re excited to announce free developer accounts. You can instantly get started and take advantage of the most developer-friendly edge platform in the world.