Fastly at Velocity Santa Clara 2014

Kacie Hendrickson

Director of Marketing, Fastly

We’re excited to be at Velocity Santa Clara this week (June 24-26) to talk about the future of web performance, meet new people, and participate in a few offsite events! Here are all the details on where to find us at the conference.

Booth #802

Stop by booth #802 to say hello — the Fastly team will be on hand to answer all of your burning questions. Our CEO, Artur Bergman (@crucially), CTO, Tyler McMullen (@tbmcmullen), and CPO, Steve Souders (@Souders), will also be at our booth on and off throughout the conference.


Our team will be speaking on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

Offsite Events

We’re sponsoring an all-day WebPerfDays event at Google’s Mountain View Campus (bldg. 1950) on June 27 at 9am. Register here.

We'll also be participating in DevOpsDays at the Computer Museum in Mountain View on June 27 and June 28. Unfortunately the event is sold out, but if you’ve already registered, be sure to find us there.