Ashok Lalwani

Senior Product Manager, Fastly

Ashok Lalwani is Senior Product Manager at Fastly, where he is responsible for Fastly's video and Load Balancer products. He has spent more than nine years developing, scaling, and managing large-scale end-to-end digital video platforms for both live and video on demand.

Multi-DRM & Content Preconditioning for OTT Providers | Fastly

Ashok Lalwani, Marcus Sarmento

In an ongoing effort to help you provide the best streaming experiences for your end users, we’re excited to announce two new features to our OTFP service. Multi-DRM support and content preconditioning enable over the top (OTT) video service providers to protect and efficiently monetize premium video content.


Common Encryption & MPEG-DASH Packaging Support

Ashok Lalwani, Marcus Sarmento

We’re excited to announce we’re enhancing our MPEG-DASH packaging support to include Common Encryption and demuxing audio and video representations, two features that will better allow you to comply with most MPEG-DASH video players.


Viewer Engagement Insights in Video Delivery

Ashok Lalwani

We’re pleased to announce that we now send additional metrics from our On-the-fly Packaging (OTFP) service to provide more granular visibility into the packaging and delivery process. You can stream Video Delivery Insights as logs from your Fastly service to the endpoint of your choice, giving you the flexibility to analyze and modify your settings on the fly.

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Introducing MPEG-DASH support: enhancing Video on Demand

Ashok Lalwani

We’re proud to announce support for MPEG-DASH streaming format packaging. This feature lets you simplify the delivery of video content to your end users and reduce the operational costs associated with providing an exceptional user experience.
