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Code-splitting and minimal edge latency: the perfect match
Fastly Fiddle, our code playground tool, is a React single-page app that uses the excellent Monaco IDE component that powers VS Code. Problem is, Monaco is huge. And most uses of Fiddle are read only. Code-splitting removes the need to load a whole IDE to display some non-editable code. Let’s explore how.
Meet AssemblyScript: your next computing language
AssemblyScript is a variant of TypeScript that produces WebAssembly binaries, the binary format that powers Fastly’s Compute@Edge. It’s a new technology supported by all major browsers, and relative to JavaScript, it offers predictable performance, making WebAssembly well suited for computationally intensive tasks. Let’s dig in on why AssemblyScript is your next computing language.
Compute@Edge with CLI, Terraform API & Language Support | Fastly
Now running production traffic, Compute takes a leap forward in delivering on the promise of highly performant, secure, and globally distributed serverless computing with the introduction of powerful new functionality and tooling.
How Compute is tackling the most frustrating aspects of serverless
Serverless solutions are good news for developers, but they can cause plenty of headaches, including cold starts, regional latency, and a lack of observability. Compute, Fastly’s serverless compute environment — built on Wasm and run globally — can help solve those problems.
Signal Sciences named Visionary in 2020 Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls for second year | Fastly
We believe Signal Sciences’ innovation earned them recognition in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAF, and it’s this kind of innovation that excites us as we merge forces — now that Signal Sciences is part of Fastly.
Fastly Introduces Two Solutions for Quality | Fastly
With two new solutions, Fastly is empowering video engineers to address the growing streaming-at-scale challenge head on with enhancements to its video-on-demand and live event services capabilities, helping them deliver quality user experiences no matter what their end users are streaming.
Fastly invests in teams & communities for voter engagement | Fastly
Now more than ever, engaging in our democracy is critical — and Fastly is invested in making sure our internal community has the tools and resources to do so effectively.
Engage young voters, drive civic engagement | Fastly, part of our Open Source and Nonprofit Program, believes in activating young people to support change. And in the face of COVID-19 and a U.S. election year, they’ve imagined all-new ways to connect with users and driver voter engagement.
Lessons Learned from Side-Channel Attacks
The largest category of difficult-to-anticipate security design weaknesses come from side-channel attacks. In this post, we take a tour of some of the more foundational and out-there side channel-related exploits that have afflicted the security conscious over the years.
Better diff view from feedback & research | Fastly
We’ve made improvements to our diff view by combining customer testing, feedback, and requests with our own inspiration with diff experiences we enjoy using. The result is an enhanced diff view experience that we think you’ll enjoy as much as we do.
Terraform now supports all Fastly logging endpoints
We’ve been hard at work at Fastly this year working on updates to our Terraform provider and have some exciting ones to announce: Terraform now supports all our logging endpoints, plus Fastly web application firewall customers can now manage their WAF within Terraform.
Fastly and Signal Sciences join forces
Today, Fastly completed the acquisition of Signal Sciences and took a giant step forward toward our vision of modern, unified web application and API security. We will call on our shared view of empowering developers as we chart a path toward building an incredibly secure, performant platform and unlock all-new possibilities, together.
BuzzFeed Optimize Gif-heavy Content with new Fastly Feature
Fastly’s new Image Optimizer feature converts animated gifs to MP4 videos for a faster load time, smoother experience, and significant savings on end-users’ bandwidth. In fact, the new feature was able to condense BuzzFeed’s 250 MB, browser-freezing “100 Greatest Gifs of all Time” article to a much more manageable 6 MB.
Web Application Firewall (WAF) Best Practices
Following WAF best practices is imperative to keep your business and customers secure. Learn about new regulations and security tips.
The state of QUIC and HTTP/3 2020
QUIC and HTTP/3 have entered the final stages of development at the IETF. Distinguished Engineer, Jana Iyengar, elaborates on the current state of the protocols, their deployment across the internet, and his expectations for QUIC and HTTP/3 in the near future.
Deploying network error logging with Compute
We’ve been experimenting with Network Error Logging with Fastly Insights and discovered that processing the NEL reports is a great use case for Compute. In this post, we’ll look at our first attempt to build a NEL reporting pipeline, discuss where there was potential for optimization, and how Compute solves these problems while introducing performance and security improvements along the way.
Fastly to Acquire Signal Science for Security at Scale | Fastly
Security has always been a part of Fastly’s DNA, not just within products, but in our vision of trust and safety as a modern platform. Today, we are pleased to announce that we have announced our intent to acquire Signal Sciences.
Hard-earned insights from a pair of secure DevOps pros
Fastly CISO Mike Johnson and Brave Software Senior DevOps Engineer Ben Kero share their practical advice for cementing more holistic security practices within your CI/CD pipeline.
Why “by developers, for developers” matters
Developer-centricity is now a mission-critical philosophy for companies to embrace. And during COVID-19, we all know that the stakes have never been higher. We’ve seen that businesses that operate with a dev-first mindset at their core will have the strategic advantage and will only increase it, today and into the future.
Cloud Security for Developers
If you’re evaluating web application security tools exclusively for their security requirements, you may be missing one of the most essential opportunities to successfully grow your secure DevOps culture: developer-centricity.