Optimizely Feature Experimentation, Optimizely Full Stack (legacy), and Optimizely Rollouts

A basic starter kit for Fastly's Compute@Edge with Optimizely built in.

Fastly Compute
Warning: The code provided on this page is not written or maintained by Fastly. We don't provide direct support for third-party services or code. See our Terms of Service for more information.

Use this starter

Using the Fastly CLI, create a new project using this starter somewhere on your computer:

$ fastly compute init --from=https://github.com/optimizely/fastly-compute-starter-kit

Or click the button below to create a GitHub repository, provision a Fastly service, and set up continuous deployment:

Deploy to Fastly

To read more about using this starter kit, check out the readme on the GitHub repo.

Next steps

This page is part of a series in the Search engine optimization use case.

Starters are a good way to bootstrap a project. For more specific use cases, and answers to common problems, try our library of code examples.