fastly.toml package manifest format

Fastly services provide execution environments for your custom edge code. In the case of VCL services, you can upload VCL source code, which is compiled on the Fastly platform. However, Compute services are compiled in your own environment using the Fastly CLI, and the resulting binary is uploaded to the Fastly platform.

Compute packages are configured using a fastly.toml file in the root of the package directory tree. This file specifies configuration metadata related to a variety of tasks:

  1. attribution of the package (e.g., name, author)
  2. information required by the fastly CLI to compile and upload it to a compatible Fastly service
  3. configuration of local server environments
  4. bootstrapping of service configuration

In general, you should not write a fastly.toml file yourself. Instead, create a new Compute project using the fastly CLI by executing:

$ fastly compute init

This will walk you through the creation of the project and will write the fastly.toml file for you.


The following is an example of a fastly.toml file for a project built using our Rust SDK:

manifest_version = 3
name = "my-compute-project"
description = "A wonderful Compute project that adds edge computing goodness to my application architecture."
authors = [""]
language = "rust"
service_id = "SU1Z0isxPaozGVKXdv0eY"
build = "cargo build --bin fastly-compute-project --release --target wasm32-wasi --color always"


The syntax of fastly.toml is the TOML format.

The TOML format supports comments. A line that begins with a # character is ignored:

# This is a comment.

Property names and values are separated by =. The following properties are defined for fastly.toml files (refer to the TOML specification to understand the 'Types' mentioned below):

Property nameTypeDescription
manifest_versionNumberPackage manifest schema version number. Currently at version 3. Any breaking changes to the manifest format should be accompanied by a change to the manifest version and the format changes will be documented here.
nameStringName of the package. If there is no service_id specified in the same manifest, a new service will be created and this will become the name of the service as well as the name of the uploaded package. If the project is deployed to an existing service, any change to the name will update the name of the Compute package, but will not change the name of the service.
authorsArray: stringAn array of strings, listing email addresses of the authors of the project, for audit purposes. Displayed in the web interface and reported back via the API.
cloned_fromStringThe source of the project code. Auto-populated when running fastly compute init.
descriptionStringBrief description of the project, for audit purposes. Displayed in the web interface and reported back via the API.
languageStringLanguage used for the project. "rust", "javascript", or "go" (if using an official Fastly-supported SDK) or "other" (if using a custom SDK). This determines how the fastly CLI will compile your project to WebAssembly before it is uploaded to the Fastly edge cloud.
profileStringName of the profile account the Fastly CLI should use to make API requests. The profile consists of a token and email that is associated with a profile 'name'.
service_idStringThe Fastly service ID of the service to which the fastly CLI should deploy the package. If not specified, a new service will be created when the project is deployed.
setupTableDescribes a set of service configuration that works with the code in the package. See setup information below. Ignored if service_id is present.
scriptsTableCustomisation options for the Fastly CLI build step. See Scripts below.
└─ buildStringCustom shell command to produce a Wasm binary (the output path should be bin/main.wasm).
└─ env_fileStringPath to a file containing KEY=VALUE environment variables (one per line) to set in the shell when executing the post_init, build and post_build scripts. Values take precedence over those defined inline using env_vars (supported in the Fastly CLI v10.6.0+).
└─ env_varsArray: stringEnvironment variables to set in the shell when executing the post_init, build and post_build scripts.
└─ post_buildStringCustom shell command to run after the build step in the Fastly CLI.
└─ post_initStringCustom shell command to run after the initialization step in the Fastly CLI (supported in the Fastly CLI v10.3.0+).
local_serverTableDescribes the configuration for the local server built into the Fastly CLI, which can be invoked with fastly compute serve. See local server below.


The [scripts] section instructs the Fastly CLI to run certain commands as part of its compile process.

The build property tells the CLI how to compile your project. It must produce a bin/main.wasm binary. From version v4.0.0 onward, configuring the build property is required. When you fastly compute init the template project we set up for you will have a build script suitable for the language you've chosen to use.

Customizing the build script can be useful when you want to use an alternative build process. For example although our JavaScript SDK doesn't require a module bundler such as webpack, you could choose to use one by adding it to the build command:

build = "$(npm bin)/webpack && $(npm bin)/js-compute-runtime ./bin/index.js ./bin/main.wasm"

This will prompt webpack to bundle the project's ./src/index.js into a ./bin/index.js. js-compute-runtime then takes the bundled file and produces the required ./bin/main.wasm binary. build can also be used to swap out an alternative compiler, e.g., to take advantage of TinyGo's smaller memory footprint in Go projects.

post_build is executed after the Wasm binary has been produced, but before it has been packaged into a .tar.gz archive file. This allows for further optimization of the produced Wasm binary if required. Here is an example which defines a post_build step for a project built using our Go SDK:

build = "tinygo build -target=wasi -o bin/main.wasm ./"
post_build = "wasm-strip bin/main.wasm"

env_vars should contain an array of key/value pairs defining environment variables you want to have set within the context of the shell that executes your post_init/build/post_build script.

Here is an example of defining env_vars for a Go project that wants to use the standard Go compiler instead of the default TinyGo:

env_vars = ["GOARCH=wasm", "GOOS=wasip1"]
build = "go build -o bin/main.wasm ."

post_init runs after a project has been initialized, and is ideally suited to run dependency installation processes, such as npm install in the case of JavaScript projects.

Local server

The [local_server] section of the fastly.toml file specifies how fastly compute serve should simulate the Fastly platform to enable you to test a package on your local machine.

To see how this configuration is used, read more about testing and debugging Compute programs.

Data model

Property nameTypeDescription
local_serverTableDescribes the configuration for the local server built into the Fastly CLI, which can be invoked with fastly compute serve.
└─ viceroy_versionStringThe version of Viceroy, the local server engine, to use. If not specified, the latest will be used and updated automatically.
└─ aclsTableA list of Access control stores that should be provided by the local server.
   └─ {name}TableEach ACL is a section whose name is the string used as the resource link ID.
      └─ fileStringThe path to a JSON file containing the ACL entries. The JSON structure is the same as the Update an ACL API endpoint.
└─ backendsTableA list of backends that should be provided by the local server.
   └─ {name}TableEach backend is a section whose name is the string used as the backend ID in the package code.
      └─ urlStringThe URL of the server to which to route requests made by the package to this backend. Must contain a scheme and host. May contain a port or path prefix. See below for examples.
      └─ override_hostStringUsed to override the Host header in requests sent to the local server's backends.
      └─ cert_hostStringDefine the hostname that the server certificate should declare, and turn on validation during backend connections. You should enable this if you are using SSL/TLS, and setting this will enable SSL for the connection as a side effect.
      └─ use_sniBooleanUse SNI when opening the backend connection? Defaults to true.
└─ config_storesTableA list of config stores that should be provided by the local server.
   └─ {name}TableEach config store is a section whose name is the string used as the config store ID in the package code.
      └─ contentsTableA section containing inline config store items. Only used when format is set to inline-toml. See below for examples.
         └─ {key}StringIndividual config store items.
      └─ fileStringThe path to a JSON file containing the config store items that the local server should provide to the app. Only used when format is set to json. See below for examples.
      └─ formatStringThe format of the config store items. Supports json, inline-toml.
└─ kv_storesTableA list of KV stores that should be provided by the local server.
   └─ {name}TableEach KV store is a section whose name is the string used as the resource link ID, holding an array of objects.
     └─ keyStringThe name of the object in the store.
      └─ fileStringPoints to a file relative to the project root.
      └─ dataStringBytes of data. Note that file and data are exclusive parameters.
└─ secret_storesTableA list of secret stores that should be provided by the local server.
   └─ {name}TableEach secret store is a section whose name is the string used as the resource link ID, holding an array of secrets.
     └─ keyStringThe name of the secret in the store.
      └─ fileStringPoints to a file relative to the project root.
      └─ dataStringBytes of data. Note that file and data are exclusive parameters.
└─ geolocationTableA set of geolocation data to use for geolocation related SDK features.
   └─ formatStringThe format of the geolocation data. Supports json, inline-toml.
   └─ fileStringThe path to a JSON file containing the geolocation data that the local server should provide to the app. Only used when format is set to file. See below for examples.
   └─ addressesTableA table of IP addresses, where each address maps to a set of geolocation data.
      └─ {ipaddress}TableAn IP address
         └─ {geo_variable}StringA geolocation variable. Available keys are as_name, as_number, area_code, city, conn_speed, conn_type, continent, country_code, country_code3, country_name, latitude, longitude, metro_code, postal_code, proxy_description, proxy_type, region and utc_offset.


Local Access control stores can be made available to your application using ACL entries loaded from a referenced JSON file.

For example, if you have the following my-acl.json file:

"entries": [
{ "prefix": "", "action": "BLOCK" },
{ "prefix": "", "action": "ALLOW" }

You can then define an ACL in your fastly.toml file using the entries in my-acl.json:

acls.test-acl = {file = "./my-acl.json"}

The ACL can then be referenced from the Compute app as test-acl, i.e. in the call to open the ACL.

HINT: The JSON entries file supports the same structure as used in the Update an ACL endpoint (the op field is ignored).


Test backends are local or remote servers to which we should route traffic coming from your package, and act as substitutes for real backends. Each backend is a table and contains a single url key:

url = ""
url = ""
override_host = ""
url = ""
override_host = ""
url = ""

If the url property contains a path component, then any request to that backend will be prefixed with that path. For the example shown above, a request to GET /foo issued by your package to the backend_c backend will result in a request being made to

HINT: Using a path prefix is useful if your service has multiple backends and, in your test environment, you have a single server that is standing in for all of the backends. The one backend-mocking server can use the path prefix to determine which backend is being targeted by the fetch.

Config stores

Test stores can be defined either as local JSON files that contain the items your app requires to run, or they can be written inline into the fastly.toml file.

For example, if you had an app that required a set of localized strings to be loaded from a config store named strings:

"en.welcome": "welcome",
"de.welcome": "willkommen",
"fr.welcome": "bienvenue",
"es.welcome": "bienvenido"

You can then reference this store in your fastly.toml file:

file = "strings.json"
format = "json"

Alternatively you can inline that file directly within the fastly.toml:

format = "inline-toml"
"en.welcome" = "welcome"
"de.welcome" = "willkommen"
"fr.welcome" = "bienvenue"
"es.welcome" = "bienvenido"

KV and secret stores

Local KV stores and secret stores can be made available to your application, using data either embedded in the TOML file or loaded from a referenced path. For example:

key = "first"
data = "This is some data"
key = "second"
file = "../test/data/some-object.txt"
key = "api-key"
data = "api-key-value"
key = "cert"
file = "../test/data/some-cert"


Compute SDKs expose geolocation-related features to provide information about the origin of a request. When running within the local server, geolocation data is mocked and if you wish can be defined in the configuration:

format = "inline-toml"
as_name = "Dummy, Inc."
city = "New York"
latitude = 1.23
longitude = 1.23

Alternatively, you can reference an external file by setting format to "json" and including a file property containing a path to a JSON file. The format of the JSON file is an object where keys are IP addresses and values are the geolocation properties for that IP:

"": {
"as_name": "Fastly Test",
"as_number": 12345,
"area_code": 123,
"city": "Test City",
"conn_speed": "broadband",
"conn_type": "wired",
"continent": "NA",
"country_code": "CA",
"country_code3": "CAN",
"country_name": "Canada",
"latitude": 12.345,
"longitude": 54.321,
"metro_code": 0,
"postal_code": "12345",
"proxy_description": "?",
"proxy_type": "?",
"region": "CA-BC",
"utc_offset": -700


The local server may be invoked with an --env argument that specifies the name of an environment. Environments are defined by creating files of the form fastly.{ENV-NAME}.toml (e.g., fastly.staging.toml), alongside the fastly.toml file. Environment-specific files define an alternative configuration for [local_server].

For example, the following configuration matches the one above, except that it defines a different URL for backend_b:

url = ""
url = "http://localhost:1234/"
url = ""
url = ""

Setup information

The optional [setup] section of the fastly.toml file allows the Fastly CLI and web interface to provide a smarter experience when a deployment of a package requires a Fastly service to be created, normally when you run fastly compute deploy for the first time.

Compute programs are able to use features of Fastly services configured outside the program by referring to the feature - such as a backend or config store - by name. It's therefore important that when deploying a Compute program, the service it is deployed to has a set of configured features matching the expectations of the package code. For example, if the program reads values from a config store called "config", then there must be a "config" config store in the same service.

Starter kits may include [setup] in their fastly.toml file so that the Fastly CLI has all the information needed to create a service in which that starter kit can be deployed.

Once a Compute project is associated with a Fastly service, the [setup] data is no longer used, and the service configuration can be managed normally via the web interface, the API, using CLI commands, or third-party orchestration tooling.

Data model

Property nameTypeDescription
setupTableDescribes a set of service configuration that works with the code in the package.
└─ backendsTableA list of backends that are required to be created on a first run of compute deploy.
   └─ {name}TableThe name of the backend used to connect to it from inside the package code, e.g. "api". Required.
      └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the backend, e.g. "API origin server".
      └─ addressStringHostname or IP address of the backend.
      └─ portNumberPort number of the backend.
└─ config_storesTableA list of config stores that are required to be created on a first run of compute deploy.
   └─ {name}TableThe name of the config store used to reference it from inside the package code, e.g. "config". Required.
      └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the store, e.g. "Configuration settings".
      └─ itemsTableList of predefined store items for stores requiring a fixed set of entries.
         └─ {key}TableThe key for the store item. Required.
            └─ valueStringSuggested value for the store item.
               └─ input_typeStringInput type hint, allowing for validation and improved input form usability (not supported in the Fastly CLI). One of string, number, integer, email, url, http-header, password.
            └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the key/value pair.
└─ kv_storesTableA list of KV stores that are required to be created on a first run of compute deploy.
   └─ {name}TableThe name of the KV store used to reference it from inside the package code, e.g. "data". Required.
      └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the store.
      └─ itemsTableList of predefined store items for stores requiring a fixed set of entries.
         └─ {key}TableThe key for the store item. Required.
            └─ fileStringFile path to use as the value for the store item (supported in the Fastly CLI v10.5.0+).
            └─ valueStringSuggested value for the store item.
               └─ input_typeStringInput type hint, allowing for validation and improved input form usability (not supported in the Fastly CLI). One of string, number, integer, email, url, http-header, password.
            └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the key/value pair.
└─ secret_storesTableA list of Secret stores that are required to be created on a first run of compute deploy.
   └─ {name}TableThe name of the Secret store used to reference it from inside the package code, e.g. "secrets". Required.
      └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the store.
      └─ entriesTableList of predefined store items for stores requiring a fixed set of entries.
         └─ {key}TableThe key for the store item. Required.
            └─ descriptionStringLabel to describe the key/value pair. The secret value is intentionally omitted to avoid secrets from being included in the manifest. Instead, secret values are input during setup.
└─ log_endpointsTableA list of log endpoints that are required to be created on a first run of compute deploy.
   └─ {name}TableThe name of the log endpoint used to reference it from inside the package code, e.g. "bigquery_requests". Required.
      └─ providerStringThe name of the log provider (e.g. BigQuery, NewRelic etc). Used as part of a generic message to the user indicating the type of provider needed.

Example setup configuration

The following configuration demonstrates how to configure two separate backends (named httpbin and httpme) and a dictionary populated with two keys (named s3-primary-host and s3-fallback-host):

address = ""
description = "A simple HTTP Request & Response Service."
port = 443
address = ""
description = "HTTP me is a tiny express app initally designed to replicate the features of"
port = 443
description = "Configuration data for my service"
value = "eu-west-2"
value = "us-west-1"

Declaring resources without values

It's possible to define resources that are required, but to not provide any configuration for them, other than a name.

fastly.toml [setup] sections with no fields defined

This configuration states that two backend resources (one called 'api' and the other 'content') and a log endpoint resource (called 'request_logger') are required. When presented with this configuration, the Fastly CLI will prompt the user for the fields relevant to each resource, and a default value provided within the prompt if applicable.