Managing and Uploading Mutual Authentications

The Mutual TLS API allows for client-to-server authentication using client-side X.509 authentication. The main Mutual Authentication object represents the certificate bundle and other configurations which support Mutual TLS for your domains.

Data model

cert_bundlestringOne or more certificates. Enter each individual certificate blob on a new line. Must be PEM-formatted. Required on create. You may optionally rotate the cert_bundle on update.
enforcedbooleanDetermines whether Mutual TLS will fail closed (enforced) or fail open. A true value will require a successful Mutual TLS handshake for the connection to continue and will fail closed if unsuccessful. A false value will fail open and allow the connection to proceed. Optional. Defaults to true.
namestringA custom name for your mutual authentication. Optional. If name is not supplied we will auto-generate one.
relationships.tls_activations.idstringAlphanumeric string identifying a TLS activation.
typestringResource type. [Default mutual_authentication]
created_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
deleted_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
idstringAlphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. Read-only.
updated_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.


List Mutual Authentications


Create a Mutual Authentication


Get a Mutual Authentication


Delete a Mutual TLS


Update a Mutual Authentication
