Log Explorer

The Log Explorer API allows users to query the sampled logs that are collected for the Log Explorer & Insights product.

Data model

A filtering parameter.

fieldstringThe log field to which this filter should be applied.
operatorstringThe comparison operator used for this filter.
client_as_numberintegerThe autonomous system (AS) number of the client. Read-only.
client_browser_namestringThe name of the browser in use on the client device. Read-only.
client_browser_versionstringThe version of the browser in use on client device. Read-only.
client_country_codestringThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code for the client. Read-only.
client_device_typestringThe type of the client's device. Read-only.
client_os_namestringThe name of the operating system installed on the client device. Read-only.
client_regionstringThe client's country subdivision code as found in ISO 3166-2. Read-only.
customer_idstringThe ID of the Fastly customer that owns the service. Read-only.
fastly_popstringThe name of the Fastly POP that served this request. Read-only.
is_cache_hitbooleanIndicates whether this request was fulfilled from cache. Read-only.
is_edgebooleanIndicates whether the request was handled by a Fastly edge POP. Read-only.
is_shieldbooleanIndicates whether the request was handled by a Fastly shield POP. Read-only.
origin_hoststringThe name of the origin host that served this request. Read-only.
request_hoststringThe name of the request host used for this request. Read-only.
request_methodstringHTTP method sent by the client such as "GET" or "POST". Read-only.
request_pathstringThe URL path supplied for this request. Read-only.
request_protocolstringHTTP protocol version in use for this request. For example, HTTP/1.1. Read-only.
response_bytes_bodyintegerBody bytes sent to the client in the response. Read-only.
response_bytes_headerintegerHeader bytes sent to the client in the response. Read-only.
response_content_lengthintegerTotal bytes sent to the client in the response. Read-only.
response_content_typestringThe content type of the response sent to the client. Read-only.
response_reasonstringThe HTTP reason phrase returned for this request, if any. Read-only.
response_statestringThe state of the request with optional suffixes describing special cases. Read-only.
response_statusintegerThe HTTP response code returned for this request. Read-only.
response_timenumberThe time since the request started in seconds. Read-only.
response_x_cachestringIndicates whether the request was a HIT or a MISS. Read-only.
service_idstringThe ID of the service that received the request.
timestampstringTimestamp of the request in ISO 8601 format.


Retrieve log records
