
The Insights API allows users to analyze insights from sampled logs that are collected for the Log Explorer & Insights product.

Data model

country_chrnumberThe cache hit ratio for the country.
country_error_ratenumberThe error rate for the country.
country_request_ratenumberThis country's percentage of the total requests.
ratenumberThe rate at which the value in the current dimension occurs.
browserstringThe client's browser for this dimension.
content_typestringThe content type of the response for this dimension.
countrystringThe client's country for this dimension.
devicestringThe client's device type for this dimension.
osstringThe client's operating system for this dimension.
responsestringThe HTTP reason phrase for this dimension.
status-codestringThe HTTP response code for this dimension.
urlstringThe URL path for this dimension.
metaobjectEchoes the filters that were supplied in the request.
filtersobjectThe filters that were supplied in the request.
domain_exact_matchbooleanValue of the domain_exact_match filter as supplied in the request.
endstringEnd time for the query as supplied in the request.
limitintegerNumber of records per page. [Default 20]
service_idstringSpecifies the ID of the service for which data should be returned.
startstringStart time for the query as supplied in the request.
503_rate_per_urlnumberThe rate at which 503 status codes are returned for this URL.
rate_per_urlnumberThe rate at which the reason in this dimension occurs among responses to this URL with a 503 status code.
average_bandwidth_bytesnumberThe average bandwidth in bytes for responses to requests to the URL in the current dimension.
bandwidth_percentagenumberThe total bandwidth percentage for all responses to requests to the URL in the current dimension.
browser_versionstringThe version of the client's browser.
cache_hit_rationumberThe cache hit ratio for the URL specified in the dimension.
regionstringThe client's country subdivision code as defined by ISO 3166-2.
region_chrnumberThe cache hit ratio for the region.
region_error_ratenumberThe error rate for the region.
average_response_timenumberThe average time in seconds to respond to requests to the URL in the current dimension.
p95_response_timenumberThe P95 time in seconds to respond to requests to the URL in the current dimension.
response_time_percentagenumberThe total percentage of time to respond to all requests to the URL in the current dimension.
miss_ratenumberThe miss rate for requests to the URL in the current dimension.
request_percentagenumberThe percentage of all requests made to the URL in the current dimension.
rate_per_statusnumberThe URL accounts for this percentage of the status code in this dimension.


Retrieve log insights
