Real-time analytics

IMPORTANT: Unlike other Fastly APIs, the base URL for Real-time analytics is

Rate limiting

The real-time analytics API is rate limited internally. However, it is also cached behind Fastly with an expiration time of 1s. Under normal use there should be no reason for customers to hit that rate limit.

The real-time analytics API offers a standardized set of data about traffic received by a specified service in one-second time periods up to the last complete second.

Data model

AggregateDelayintegerHow long the system will wait before aggregating messages for each second. The most recent data returned will have happened at the moment of the request, minus the aggregation delay.
DataarrayA list of records, each representing one second of time.
TimestampintegerValue to use for subsequent requests.

Record data model

A list of records, each representing one second of time. The Data property provides access to measurement data for that time period, grouped in various ways.

aggregatedobjectAggregates measurements across all Fastly POPs.
datacenterobjectGroups measurements by POP. See the POPs API for details of POP identifiers.
recordedintegerThe Unix timestamp at which this record's data was generated.

Measurements data model

Aggregates measurements across all Fastly POPs.

all_edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge for a VCL service.
all_edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge for a VCL service.
all_error_requestsintegerNumber of cache errors for a VCL service.
all_hit_requestsintegerNumber of cache hits for a VCL service.
all_miss_requestsintegerNumber of cache misses for a VCL service.
all_pass_requestsintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached for a VCL service.
all_status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" status codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" codes delivered for all sources.
all_synth_requestsintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement) for a VCL service.
attack_blocked_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_blocked_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_logged_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_logged_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_passed_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_passed_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_resp_synth_bytesintegerTotal bytes delivered for requests that triggered a WAF rule and returned a synthetic response.
bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent to origin.
bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to origin.
body_sizeintegerTotal body bytes delivered (alias for resp_body_bytes).
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_checkedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens checked.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_disabledintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens not checked because the feature was disabled.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_failedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens that failed validation.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_issuedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens issued. For example, issuing a challenge-complete token after a series of CAPTCHA challenges ending in success.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_passedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens that passed validation.
bot_challenge_startsintegerThe number of challenge-start tokens created.
bot_challenges_failedintegerThe number of failed challenge solutions processed. For example, an incorrect CAPTCHA solution.
bot_challenges_issuedintegerThe number of challenges issued. For example, the issuance of a CAPTCHA challenge.
bot_challenges_succeededintegerThe number of successful challenge solutions processed. For example, a correct CAPTCHA solution.
compute_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent to backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_bereq_errorsintegerNumber of backend request errors, including timeouts.
compute_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_bereqsintegerNumber of backend requests started.
compute_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_execution_time_msnumberThe amount of active CPU time used to process your requests (in milliseconds).
compute_globals_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its globals limit.
compute_guest_errorsintegerNumber of times a service experienced a guest code error.
compute_heap_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its heap limit.
compute_ram_usedintegerThe amount of RAM used for your service by Fastly (in bytes).
compute_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received by the Compute platform.
compute_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received by the Compute platform.
compute_request_time_billed_msnumberThe total amount of request processing time you will be billed for, measured in 50 millisecond increments.
compute_request_time_msnumberThe total, actual amount of time used to process your requests, including active CPU time (in milliseconds).
compute_requestsintegerThe total number of requests that were received for your service by Fastly.
compute_resource_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its resource limit, includes heap, stack, globals, and code execution timeout.
compute_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_runtime_errorsintegerNumber of times a service experienced a guest runtime error.
compute_stack_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its stack limit.
ddos_action_blackholeintegerThe number of times the blackhole action was taken. The blackhole action quietly closes a TCP connection without sending a reset. The blackhole action quietly closes a TCP connection without notifying its peer (all TCP state is dropped).
ddos_action_closeintegerThe number of times the close action was taken. The close action aborts the connection as soon as possible. The close action takes effect either right after accept, right after the client hello, or right after the response was sent.
ddos_action_downgradeintegerThe number of times the downgrade action was taken. The downgrade action restricts the client to http1.
ddos_action_downgraded_connectionsintegerThe number of connections the downgrade action was applied to. The downgrade action restricts the connection to http1.
ddos_action_limit_streams_connectionsintegerFor HTTP/2, the number of connections the limit-streams action was applied to. The limit-streams action caps the allowed number of concurrent streams in a connection.
ddos_action_limit_streams_requestsintegerFor HTTP/2, the number of requests made on a connection for which the limit-streams action was taken. The limit-streams action caps the allowed number of concurrent streams in a connection.
ddos_action_tarpitintegerThe number of times the tarpit action was taken. The tarpit action delays writing the response to the client.
ddos_action_tarpit_acceptintegerThe number of times the tarpit-accept action was taken. The tarpit-accept action adds a delay when accepting future connections.
deliver_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_deliver Varnish subroutine.
deliver_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_deliver Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge.
edge_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge.
edge_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly.
edge_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
edge_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
error_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_error Varnish subroutine.
error_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_error Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
errorsintegerNumber of cache errors.
fanout_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes sent to backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes received from backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of Fanout connections with end users.
fanout_recv_publishesintegerTotal published messages received from the publish API endpoint.
fanout_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes received from end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes sent to end users over Fanout connections, excluding published message content.
fanout_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_send_publishesintegerTotal published messages sent to end users.
fetch_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_fetch Varnish subroutine.
fetch_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_fetch Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
hash_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_hash Varnish subroutine.
hash_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_hash Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
header_sizeintegerTotal header bytes delivered (alias for resp_header_bytes).
hit_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache hits.
hit_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_hit Varnish subroutine.
hit_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_hit Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
hitsintegerNumber of cache hits.
hits_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache hits (in seconds).
http2integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/2.
http3integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/3.
imgoptointegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. If the service receives 10 requests for an image, this stat will be 10 regardless of how many times the image was transformed.
imgopto_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service, including shield traffic.
imgopto_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service, including shield traffic.
imgopto_shieldintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service via a shield.
imgopto_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_transformsintegerNumber of transforms performed by the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideointegerNumber of video responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_framesintegerNumber of video frames that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shieldintegerNumber of video responses delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_framesintegerNumber of video frames delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
ipv6integerNumber of requests that were received over IPv6.
kv_store_class_a_operationsintegerThe total number of class a operations for the KV store.
kv_store_class_b_operationsintegerThe total number of class b operations for the KV store.
logintegerNumber of log lines sent.
log_bytesintegerTotal log bytes sent.
loggingintegerNumber of log lines sent (alias for log).
missintegerNumber of cache misses.
miss_histogramobjectA histogram. The value in each bucket is the number of requests to the origin whose responses arrived during the time period represented by the bucket. The key of each bucket represents the upper bound (in response time) of that bucket. The buckets vary in width and cover the time periods 0-10ms (in 1ms increments), 10-250ms (in 10ms increments), 250-1,000ms (in 50ms increments), 1,000-3,000ms (in 100ms increments), 3,000-10,000ms (in 500 ms increments), 10,000-20,000ms (in 1,000ms increments), 20,000-60,000ms (in 5,000ms increments), and 60,000ms through infinity (in a single bucket).
miss_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache misses.
miss_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_miss Varnish subroutine.
miss_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_miss Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
miss_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache misses (in seconds).
object_size_100kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10KB and 100KB in size.
object_size_100mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10MB and 100MB in size.
object_size_10kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1KB and 10KB in size.
object_size_10mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1MB and 10MB in size.
object_size_1gintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100MB and 1GB in size.
object_size_1kintegerNumber of objects served that were under 1KB in size.
object_size_1mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100KB and 1MB in size.
object_size_otherintegerNumber of objects served that were larger than 1GB in size.
object_store_class_a_operationsintegerDeprecated. Use kv_store_class_a_operations.
object_store_class_b_operationsintegerDeprecated. Use kv_store_class_b_operations.
origin_cache_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from origin for cacheable content.
origin_cache_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from an origin for cacheable content.
origin_cache_fetchesintegerThe total number of completed requests made to backends (origins) that returned cacheable content.
origin_fetch_body_bytesintegerTotal request body bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_header_bytesintegerTotal request header bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from origin.
origin_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from origin.
origin_fetchesintegerNumber of requests sent to origin.
origin_offloadnumberOrigin Offload measures the ratio of bytes served to end users that were cached by Fastly, over the bytes served to end users, between 0 and 1. ((edge_resp_body_bytes + edge_resp_header_bytes) - (origin_fetch_resp_body_bytes + origin_fetch_resp_header_bytes)) / (edge_resp_body_bytes + edge_resp_header_bytes).
origin_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using Fastly Image Optimizer or segmented caching this may result in a cache miss.
otfpintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_deliver_timenumberTotal amount of time spent delivering a response from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
otfp_manifestsintegerNumber of responses that were manifest files from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shieldintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand via a shield.
otfp_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_timenumberTotal amount of time spent delivering a response via a shield from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
passintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached.
pass_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache passes.
pass_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_pass Varnish subroutine.
pass_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_pass Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
pass_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache passes (in seconds).
pciintegerNumber of responses with the PCI flag turned on.
pipe_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_pipe Varnish subroutine.
pipe_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_pipe Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
predeliver_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_predeliver Varnish subroutine.
predeliver_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_predeliver Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
prehash_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_prehash Varnish subroutine.
prehash_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_prehash Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
recv_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_recv Varnish subroutine.
recv_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_recv Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received.
req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received.
request_denied_get_head_bodyintegerNumber of requests where Fastly responded with 400 due to the request being a GET or HEAD request containing a body.
requestsintegerNumber of requests processed.
resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered (edge_resp_body_bytes + shield_resp_body_bytes).
resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered (edge_resp_header_bytes + shield_resp_header_bytes).
restartsintegerNumber of restarts performed.
segblock_origin_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to origin for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
segblock_shield_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to a shield for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
service_ddos_requests_allowedintegerNumber of requests analyzed for DDoS attacks against a customer origin or service, but with no DDoS detected.
service_ddos_requests_detectedintegerNumber of requests classified as a DDoS attack against a customer origin or service.
service_ddos_requests_mitigatedintegerNumber of requests classified as a DDoS attack against a customer origin or service that were mitigated by the Fastly platform.
shieldintegerNumber of requests from edge to the shield POP.
shield_cache_fetchesintegerThe total number of completed requests made to shields that returned cacheable content.
shield_fetch_body_bytesintegerTotal request body bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_header_bytesintegerTotal request header bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal response body bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal response header bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetchesintegerNumber of requests made from one Fastly POP to another, as part of shielding.
shield_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a hit at a shield.
shield_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a miss at a shield.
shield_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code, in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request to a shield. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using segmented caching this may result in a cache miss.
status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered.
status_200integerNumber of responses sent with status code 200 (Success).
status_204integerNumber of responses sent with status code 204 (No Content).
status_206integerNumber of responses sent with status code 206 (Partial Content).
status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" status codes delivered.
status_301integerNumber of responses sent with status code 301 (Moved Permanently).
status_302integerNumber of responses sent with status code 302 (Found).
status_304integerNumber of responses sent with status code 304 (Not Modified).
status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" codes delivered.
status_400integerNumber of responses sent with status code 400 (Bad Request).
status_401integerNumber of responses sent with status code 401 (Unauthorized).
status_403integerNumber of responses sent with status code 403 (Forbidden).
status_404integerNumber of responses sent with status code 404 (Not Found).
status_406integerNumber of responses sent with status code 406 (Not Acceptable).
status_416integerNumber of responses sent with status code 416 (Range Not Satisfiable).
status_429integerNumber of responses sent with status code 429 (Too Many Requests).
status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" codes delivered.
status_500integerNumber of responses sent with status code 500 (Internal Server Error).
status_501integerNumber of responses sent with status code 501 (Not Implemented).
status_502integerNumber of responses sent with status code 502 (Bad Gateway).
status_503integerNumber of responses sent with status code 503 (Service Unavailable).
status_504integerNumber of responses sent with status code 504 (Gateway Timeout).
status_505integerNumber of responses sent with status code 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported).
status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" codes delivered.
synthintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement).
tlsintegerNumber of requests that were received over TLS.
tls_v10integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.0.
tls_v11integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.1.
tls_v12integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.2.
tls_v13integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.3.
uncacheableintegerNumber of requests that were designated uncachable.
vcl_on_compute_edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_error_requestsintegerNumber of cache errors for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_hit_requestsintegerNumber of cache hits for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_miss_requestsintegerNumber of cache misses for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_pass_requestsintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_synth_requestsintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement) for a VCL service running on Compute.
videointegerNumber of responses with the video segment or video manifest MIME type (i.e., application/x-mpegurl, application/, application/f4m, application/dash+xml, application/, ideo/mp2t, audio/aac, video/f4f, video/x-flv, video/mp4, audio/mp4).
waf_blockedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were blocked.
waf_loggedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were logged.
waf_passedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were passed.
websocket_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of passthrough WebSocket connections with end users.
websocket_req_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.

Measurements data model

Statistics that have occurred since the last request.

all_edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge for a VCL service.
all_edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge for a VCL service.
all_error_requestsintegerNumber of cache errors for a VCL service.
all_hit_requestsintegerNumber of cache hits for a VCL service.
all_miss_requestsintegerNumber of cache misses for a VCL service.
all_pass_requestsintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached for a VCL service.
all_status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" status codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" codes delivered for all sources.
all_status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" codes delivered for all sources.
all_synth_requestsintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement) for a VCL service.
attack_blocked_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_blocked_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was blocked.
attack_logged_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_logged_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was logged.
attack_passed_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_passed_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule that was passed.
attack_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from requests that triggered a WAF rule.
attack_resp_synth_bytesintegerTotal bytes delivered for requests that triggered a WAF rule and returned a synthetic response.
bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent to origin.
bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to origin.
body_sizeintegerTotal body bytes delivered (alias for resp_body_bytes).
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_checkedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens checked.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_disabledintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens not checked because the feature was disabled.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_failedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens that failed validation.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_issuedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens issued. For example, issuing a challenge-complete token after a series of CAPTCHA challenges ending in success.
bot_challenge_complete_tokens_passedintegerThe number of challenge-complete tokens that passed validation.
bot_challenge_startsintegerThe number of challenge-start tokens created.
bot_challenges_failedintegerThe number of failed challenge solutions processed. For example, an incorrect CAPTCHA solution.
bot_challenges_issuedintegerThe number of challenges issued. For example, the issuance of a CAPTCHA challenge.
bot_challenges_succeededintegerThe number of successful challenge solutions processed. For example, a correct CAPTCHA solution.
compute_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent to backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_bereq_errorsintegerNumber of backend request errors, including timeouts.
compute_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_bereqsintegerNumber of backend requests started.
compute_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends (origins) by the Compute platform.
compute_execution_time_msnumberThe amount of active CPU time used to process your requests (in milliseconds).
compute_globals_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its globals limit.
compute_guest_errorsintegerNumber of times a service experienced a guest code error.
compute_heap_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its heap limit.
compute_ram_usedintegerThe amount of RAM used for your service by Fastly (in bytes).
compute_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received by the Compute platform.
compute_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received by the Compute platform.
compute_request_time_billed_msnumberThe total amount of request processing time you will be billed for, measured in 50 millisecond increments.
compute_request_time_msnumberThe total, actual amount of time used to process your requests, including active CPU time (in milliseconds).
compute_requestsintegerThe total number of requests that were received for your service by Fastly.
compute_resource_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its resource limit, includes heap, stack, globals, and code execution timeout.
compute_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent from Compute to end user.
compute_resp_status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_resp_status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" category status codes delivered by the Compute platform.
compute_runtime_errorsintegerNumber of times a service experienced a guest runtime error.
compute_stack_limit_exceededintegerNumber of times a guest exceeded its stack limit.
ddos_action_blackholeintegerThe number of times the blackhole action was taken. The blackhole action quietly closes a TCP connection without sending a reset. The blackhole action quietly closes a TCP connection without notifying its peer (all TCP state is dropped).
ddos_action_closeintegerThe number of times the close action was taken. The close action aborts the connection as soon as possible. The close action takes effect either right after accept, right after the client hello, or right after the response was sent.
ddos_action_downgradeintegerThe number of times the downgrade action was taken. The downgrade action restricts the client to http1.
ddos_action_downgraded_connectionsintegerThe number of connections the downgrade action was applied to. The downgrade action restricts the connection to http1.
ddos_action_limit_streams_connectionsintegerFor HTTP/2, the number of connections the limit-streams action was applied to. The limit-streams action caps the allowed number of concurrent streams in a connection.
ddos_action_limit_streams_requestsintegerFor HTTP/2, the number of requests made on a connection for which the limit-streams action was taken. The limit-streams action caps the allowed number of concurrent streams in a connection.
ddos_action_tarpitintegerThe number of times the tarpit action was taken. The tarpit action delays writing the response to the client.
ddos_action_tarpit_acceptintegerThe number of times the tarpit-accept action was taken. The tarpit-accept action adds a delay when accepting future connections.
deliver_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_deliver Varnish subroutine.
deliver_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_deliver Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge.
edge_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge hits.
edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge.
edge_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for edge misses.
edge_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly.
edge_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
edge_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from Fastly to the end user.
error_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_error Varnish subroutine.
error_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_error Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
errorsintegerNumber of cache errors.
fanout_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes sent to backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes received from backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends over Fanout connections.
fanout_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of Fanout connections with end users.
fanout_recv_publishesintegerTotal published messages received from the publish API endpoint.
fanout_req_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes received from end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body or message content bytes sent to end users over Fanout connections, excluding published message content.
fanout_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to end users over Fanout connections.
fanout_send_publishesintegerTotal published messages sent to end users.
fetch_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_fetch Varnish subroutine.
fetch_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_fetch Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
hash_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_hash Varnish subroutine.
hash_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_hash Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
header_sizeintegerTotal header bytes delivered (alias for resp_header_bytes).
hit_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache hits.
hit_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_hit Varnish subroutine.
hit_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_hit Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
hitsintegerNumber of cache hits.
hits_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache hits (in seconds).
http2integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/2.
http3integerNumber of requests received over HTTP/3.
imgoptointegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. If the service receives 10 requests for an image, this stat will be 10 regardless of how many times the image was transformed.
imgopto_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service, including shield traffic.
imgopto_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service, including shield traffic.
imgopto_shieldintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service via a shield.
imgopto_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgopto_transformsintegerNumber of transforms performed by the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideointegerNumber of video responses that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_framesintegerNumber of video frames that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes of video delivered from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shieldintegerNumber of video responses delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_framesintegerNumber of video frames delivered via a shield that came from the Fastly Image Optimizer service. A video frame is an individual image within a sequence of video.
imgvideo_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
imgvideo_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes of video delivered via a shield from the Fastly Image Optimizer service.
ipv6integerNumber of requests that were received over IPv6.
kv_store_class_a_operationsintegerThe total number of class a operations for the KV store.
kv_store_class_b_operationsintegerThe total number of class b operations for the KV store.
logintegerNumber of log lines sent.
log_bytesintegerTotal log bytes sent.
loggingintegerNumber of log lines sent (alias for log).
missintegerNumber of cache misses.
miss_histogramobjectA histogram. The value in each bucket is the number of requests to the origin whose responses arrived during the time period represented by the bucket. The key of each bucket represents the upper bound (in response time) of that bucket. The buckets vary in width and cover the time periods 0-10ms (in 1ms increments), 10-250ms (in 10ms increments), 250-1,000ms (in 50ms increments), 1,000-3,000ms (in 100ms increments), 3,000-10,000ms (in 500 ms increments), 10,000-20,000ms (in 1,000ms increments), 20,000-60,000ms (in 5,000ms increments), and 60,000ms through infinity (in a single bucket).
miss_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache misses.
miss_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_miss Varnish subroutine.
miss_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_miss Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
miss_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache misses (in seconds).
object_size_100kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10KB and 100KB in size.
object_size_100mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 10MB and 100MB in size.
object_size_10kintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1KB and 10KB in size.
object_size_10mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 1MB and 10MB in size.
object_size_1gintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100MB and 1GB in size.
object_size_1kintegerNumber of objects served that were under 1KB in size.
object_size_1mintegerNumber of objects served that were between 100KB and 1MB in size.
object_size_otherintegerNumber of objects served that were larger than 1GB in size.
object_store_class_a_operationsintegerDeprecated. Use kv_store_class_a_operations.
object_store_class_b_operationsintegerDeprecated. Use kv_store_class_b_operations.
origin_cache_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes received from origin for cacheable content.
origin_cache_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes received from an origin for cacheable content.
origin_cache_fetchesintegerThe total number of completed requests made to backends (origins) that returned cacheable content.
origin_fetch_body_bytesintegerTotal request body bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_header_bytesintegerTotal request header bytes sent to origin.
origin_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received from origin.
origin_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from origin.
origin_fetchesintegerNumber of requests sent to origin.
origin_offloadnumberOrigin Offload measures the ratio of bytes served to end users that were cached by Fastly, over the bytes served to end users, between 0 and 1. ((edge_resp_body_bytes + edge_resp_header_bytes) - (origin_fetch_resp_body_bytes + origin_fetch_resp_header_bytes)) / (edge_resp_body_bytes + edge_resp_header_bytes).
origin_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using Fastly Image Optimizer or segmented caching this may result in a cache miss.
otfpintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_deliver_timenumberTotal amount of time spent delivering a response from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
otfp_manifestsintegerNumber of responses that were manifest files from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shieldintegerNumber of responses that came from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand via a shield.
otfp_shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield for the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand.
otfp_shield_timenumberTotal amount of time spent delivering a response via a shield from the Fastly On-the-Fly Packaging service for video-on-demand (in seconds).
passintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached.
pass_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered for cache passes.
pass_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_pass Varnish subroutine.
pass_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_pass Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
pass_timenumberTotal amount of time spent processing cache passes (in seconds).
pciintegerNumber of responses with the PCI flag turned on.
pipe_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_pipe Varnish subroutine.
pipe_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_pipe Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
predeliver_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_predeliver Varnish subroutine.
predeliver_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_predeliver Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
prehash_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_prehash Varnish subroutine.
prehash_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_prehash Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
recv_sub_countintegerNumber of executions of the vcl_recv Varnish subroutine.
recv_sub_timenumberTime spent inside the vcl_recv Varnish subroutine (in nanoseconds).
req_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes received.
req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received.
request_denied_get_head_bodyintegerNumber of requests where Fastly responded with 400 due to the request being a GET or HEAD request containing a body.
requestsintegerNumber of requests processed.
resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered (edge_resp_body_bytes + shield_resp_body_bytes).
resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered (edge_resp_header_bytes + shield_resp_header_bytes).
restartsintegerNumber of restarts performed.
segblock_origin_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to origin for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
segblock_shield_fetchesintegerNumber of Range requests to a shield for segments of resources when using segmented caching.
service_ddos_requests_allowedintegerNumber of requests analyzed for DDoS attacks against a customer origin or service, but with no DDoS detected.
service_ddos_requests_detectedintegerNumber of requests classified as a DDoS attack against a customer origin or service.
service_ddos_requests_mitigatedintegerNumber of requests classified as a DDoS attack against a customer origin or service that were mitigated by the Fastly platform.
shieldintegerNumber of requests from edge to the shield POP.
shield_cache_fetchesintegerThe total number of completed requests made to shields that returned cacheable content.
shield_fetch_body_bytesintegerTotal request body bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_header_bytesintegerTotal request header bytes sent to a shield.
shield_fetch_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal response body bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetch_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal response header bytes sent from a shield to the edge.
shield_fetchesintegerNumber of requests made from one Fastly POP to another, as part of shielding.
shield_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a hit at a shield.
shield_hit_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_hit_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield hits.
shield_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests that resulted in a miss at a shield.
shield_miss_resp_body_bytesintegerBody bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_miss_resp_header_bytesintegerHeader bytes delivered for shield misses.
shield_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal body bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes delivered via a shield.
shield_revalidationsintegerNumber of responses received from origin with a 304 status code, in response to an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match request to a shield. Under regular scenarios, a revalidation will imply a cache hit. However, if using segmented caching this may result in a cache miss.
status_1xxintegerNumber of "Informational" category status codes delivered.
status_200integerNumber of responses sent with status code 200 (Success).
status_204integerNumber of responses sent with status code 204 (No Content).
status_206integerNumber of responses sent with status code 206 (Partial Content).
status_2xxintegerNumber of "Success" status codes delivered.
status_301integerNumber of responses sent with status code 301 (Moved Permanently).
status_302integerNumber of responses sent with status code 302 (Found).
status_304integerNumber of responses sent with status code 304 (Not Modified).
status_3xxintegerNumber of "Redirection" codes delivered.
status_400integerNumber of responses sent with status code 400 (Bad Request).
status_401integerNumber of responses sent with status code 401 (Unauthorized).
status_403integerNumber of responses sent with status code 403 (Forbidden).
status_404integerNumber of responses sent with status code 404 (Not Found).
status_406integerNumber of responses sent with status code 406 (Not Acceptable).
status_416integerNumber of responses sent with status code 416 (Range Not Satisfiable).
status_429integerNumber of responses sent with status code 429 (Too Many Requests).
status_4xxintegerNumber of "Client Error" codes delivered.
status_500integerNumber of responses sent with status code 500 (Internal Server Error).
status_501integerNumber of responses sent with status code 501 (Not Implemented).
status_502integerNumber of responses sent with status code 502 (Bad Gateway).
status_503integerNumber of responses sent with status code 503 (Service Unavailable).
status_504integerNumber of responses sent with status code 504 (Gateway Timeout).
status_505integerNumber of responses sent with status code 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported).
status_5xxintegerNumber of "Server Error" codes delivered.
synthintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement).
tlsintegerNumber of requests that were received over TLS.
tls_v10integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.0.
tls_v11integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.1.
tls_v12integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.2.
tls_v13integerNumber of requests received over TLS 1.3.
uncacheableintegerNumber of requests that were designated uncachable.
vcl_on_compute_edge_hit_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a hit at the edge for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_edge_miss_requestsintegerNumber of requests sent by end users to Fastly that resulted in a miss at the edge for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_error_requestsintegerNumber of cache errors for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_hit_requestsintegerNumber of cache hits for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_miss_requestsintegerNumber of cache misses for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_pass_requestsintegerNumber of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached for a VCL service running on Compute.
vcl_on_compute_synth_requestsintegerNumber of requests that returned a synthetic response (i.e., response objects created with the synthetic VCL statement) for a VCL service running on Compute.
videointegerNumber of responses with the video segment or video manifest MIME type (i.e., application/x-mpegurl, application/, application/f4m, application/dash+xml, application/, ideo/mp2t, audio/aac, video/f4f, video/x-flv, video/mp4, audio/mp4).
waf_blockedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were blocked.
waf_loggedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were logged.
waf_passedintegerNumber of requests that triggered a WAF rule and were passed.
websocket_bereq_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_bereq_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_beresp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from backends over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_conn_time_msintegerTotal duration of passthrough WebSocket connections with end users.
websocket_req_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes received from end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_req_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes received from end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_body_bytesintegerTotal message content bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.
websocket_resp_header_bytesintegerTotal header bytes sent to end users over passthrough WebSocket connections.


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