
Fastly will publish log messages to an Amazon Kinesis stream in the format specified in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams logging object.

Data model

access_keystringThe access key associated with the target Amazon Kinesis stream. Not required if iam_role is specified.
formatstringA Fastly log format string. [Default {"timestamp":"%{begin:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}t","time_elapsed":"%{time.elapsed.usec}V","is_tls":"%{if(req.is_ssl, \"true\", \"false\")}V","client_ip":"%{req.http.Fastly-Client-IP}V","geo_city":"%{}V","geo_country_code":"%{client.geo.country_code}V","request":"%{req.request}V","host":"%{req.http.Fastly-Orig-Host}V","url":"%{json.escape(req.url)}V","request_referer":"%{json.escape(req.http.Referer)}V","request_user_agent":"%{json.escape(req.http.User-Agent)}V","request_accept_language":"%{json.escape(req.http.Accept-Language)}V","request_accept_charset":"%{json.escape(req.http.Accept-Charset)}V","cache_status":"%{regsub(fastly_info.state, \"^(HIT-(SYNTH)|(HITPASS|HIT|MISS|PASS|ERROR|PIPE)).*\", \"\\2\\3\") }V"}]
iam_rolestringThe ARN for an IAM role granting Fastly access to the target Amazon Kinesis stream. Not required if access_key and secret_key are provided.
namestringThe name for the real-time logging configuration.
placementstringWhere in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with format_version of 2 are placed in vcl_log and those with format_version of 1 are placed in vcl_deliver.
regionstringA named set of AWS resources that's in the same geographical area.
secret_keystringThe secret key associated with the target Amazon Kinesis stream. Not required if iam_role is specified.
topicstringThe Amazon Kinesis stream to send logs to. Required.
format_versionintegerThe version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in vcl_log if format_version is set to 2 and in vcl_deliver if format_version is set to 1. [Default 2]
created_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
deleted_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
service_idstringAlphanumeric string identifying the service. Read-only.
updated_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
versionstringString identifying a service version. Read-only.


List Amazon Kinesis log endpoints


Create an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint


Get an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint


Update the Amazon Kinesis log endpoint


Delete the Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
