Front-end frameworks on the Compute platform

Many full stack and static site frameworks can be used with the Compute platform. Frameworks often give developers the ability to write frontend components using a library like React, offer useful abstractions for server routes and request handlers, and a convenient and intuitive way to set up some of the best features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, smart bundling, route prefetching, and more, with very little configuration needed.

Fastly aims to provide compatibility with frameworks, and at least, avoid getting in their way - but for some, we have official libraries to help you get the most out of the framework when you use it with Fastly.


Next.js is an open source full stack web framework created by Vercel. It uses React for front end component management and has server-side rendering and dynamic server-side components for API routes.

We maintain next-compute-js to provide a combination of project-scaffolding and a Next.js runtime for our Compute platform. It operates on the exact same built artifacts from the next build command, and aims to provide all of the features of the Next.js runtime (except for the bits that are dependent on the Vercel Edge runtime — which currently requires a full Node.js environment).

To use it, run a standard Next.js build using npx next build, then:

$ npx @fastly/next-compute-js
$ cd compute-js
$ fastly compute publish

For more information:


Remix is a JavaScript-based full stack web framework that focuses on UI and web standards. We maintain remix-compute-js as a template that can be used by the official Remix command line tool:

$ npm create remix@latest ./my-app --template

This will create a project in the my-app directory that is both a Remix app and also a valid Compute program. Remix will be configured to use Fastly's local development server, and commands such as npm run dev, npm run build, and npm run deploy will work as expected, with deploys going to your Fastly account.

For more information:

Static site & JAMStack

Static site generators produce a directory of files that can be served by any properly configured web server. Our compute-js-static-publish tool is designed to make it as easy as possible to get those files onto Fastly.

For example, for a Gatsby site:

$ npm run build
$ npx @fastly/compute-js-static-publish --preset=gatsby
$ cd ./compute-js
$ fastly compute publish

We have preset support for a variety of frameworks, including create-react-app, Vite, SvelteKit, Vue, Next.js, Astro, Gatsby and Docusaurus.

For more information:

Adding dynamic routes

Once the static publisher has created your Fastly app, you have an index.js file which you can edit to add whatever additional routes you would like to handle. Learn more about running your own code alongside static routes.